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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Going Hammers....Droid Bionic Teaser Is Awesome!

Here is the official Droid Bionic teaser for you folks. I mean this is off the chains. What do you the think?
I for one thoroughly enjoyed it.

Joe Blacks Favorite Android Writer
We Are AndroREV WE Are!


  1. so as a result of Google buying Motorola, do you think the Droid Bionic be more customizable, such as an unlocked bootloader, etc.?

  2. and what do you think will become of Moto's Blur?

  3. I'm hopeful about the bootloader unlock I estimate there will be a tool similar to HTC's for this on future MOTO devices. I think Blur is here to stay but will have a major makeover.

  4. Awesome. Thanks for such a speedy reply. I've been talking with one of my friends about wanting the Bionic and he's been telling me not to up until Google bought Moto. Now we're both hopeful for it. I've been surviving with an OG Droid since last April and my upgrade comes in November so I can't wait to get a new phone
