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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Update! ShabbyPenguin Presents: Motorola Photon 4G one click root

This was untested and the initial results are it is not working. But the chefs are in the kitchen bare with us please!

Well well well my man Shabby is at again and guess what he has for you this time folks. The Motorola Photon 4G one click root. Now you guys know you need to hit that donate button. He was able to find out this could be accomplished thorugh some scripts and its untested right now but I want you guys to let us know how it goes. It's a simple one click for the Motorola Photon and that is simply astounding news. So without further ado here is the download link to the OP. Hit the thanks button and by this man a beer. Shabby never stops. He's one bad Penguin!


1 comment:

  1. awesome I put-off buying this for months, despite positive reviews.
