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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

WE Are Armed: Kailash Sankar Joins The Revolution

Welcome Kailash!

A while back I was very concerned about some of the graphics design needs for our little start up. I put out a cry for help on Google Plus ( gplus.to/MarvinFerrell ) for graphics designers to give the Revolution a hand and got no response...crickets... Well a wise man once (my old bossman rjmjr69 of ACSyndicate) said to me "right place right time" and he actually turned out to be right. What occurred was Google released games which caused a sort of butterfly effect. I immediately took Google to task on their permissions policy  ( https://plus.google.com/116222833568410151476/posts/3apRnJHRzUY ) Causing them to make a promise to change the things that the community saw wrong with it. All of this was started by this article (which quickly became our most read article) and a close friend of mine leaving Google + because of the invasive permissions instituted by Google and their game development partners (Rovio, Zynga...etc). Anyhow I was able to get Google to take a look at what they were doing (kudos to the engineers on their plus team they are great guys and they care about the community). While all this was going on, pardon the long narrative here, a young man named Kailash Sankar was inspired by me taking the stand and immediately began working on the graphics you now see on this site and the wallpapers that people are falling in love with. I cannot say enough good things about the kid he has a great spirit and is just as committed as I Joshua Keene and the rest of the creative geniuses involved with Androidian3VOlution. The artwork you will see will be from him and he is working hard to get the designs done. These designs will soon be on t-shirts many of which I will give away to some of our supporters. This is NOT just a blog. Anyone can contribute. It is about the community and making money is necessary for us to continue but is not our primary goal by any stretch of the imagination.
That being said I want to say thank you to Kailash who i refer to as "Kai". Also I would like to thank all of you. We have only been around a week and already we have really touched off something that can certainly fit the bill of a revolution. Our little page is extraordinarily popular. I want to say thank you to the folks for the kind words and also the unkind ones. Nothing motivates me more than hate and if it were not for hate I would not have such a profound understanding of what love is and for that I am grateful. Welcome Kailash to the revolution and enjoy his work. The next post will be the release of a wonderful new wallpaper in celebration of another record breaking day we had on yesterday. Guess what? We have already broken that record today and we will keep on breaking them and do what we do best. Write and share on the subject of Android. A subject we are very very passionate about. I will be talking more with Kailash and giving you more information on just who this guy is soon. He's a busy man.

Talk to you guys shortly
Editor in Chief AndroREV
We are AndroREV WE are!

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